Celebrating winter festivals in the EYFS

November, December and even January are full of special days and celebrations. Many of these are winter festivals from the Northern Hemisphere where days are shorter, colder and darker in the winter and perhaps as […]

What can the EYFS learn from Roald Dahl?

Every September, Roald Dahl’s Stories are celebrated in many UK primary schools. Children enjoy dressing up as characters from their favourite story, listening to some of Roald Dahl’s books and completing special work and activities […]

Teaching children to be honest

Previously we’ve looked at how children develop the ability to lie, and some of the reasons that this is important. Whilst developing the ability to lie is important for children’s development, the ability to tell […]

Why children need to learn to lie

“Honesty is always the best policy” we say, and of course who can forget the tale of Pinocchio, popularised by Walt Disney in which every time the character lies his nose grows longer? The Blue […]

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