Introducing the TLIS Summer Holiday English Immersion and Culture Awareness Program - a gateway to an extraordinary summer of learning, growth, and unforgettable memories.


Tailored for primary/elementary school children, our program offers the quintessential blend of English education, sports, engaging activities, and thrilling excursions. Led by our seasoned and passionate educators, students will hone their English language skills - speaking, listening, reading, and writing - through dynamic lessons, interactive games, playful discussions, and captivating projects.


But it doesn't end there. Beyond the classroom, our program promises a plethora of exhilarating outdoor escapades, cultural immersions, and immersive experiences, all designed to immerse each child into authentic language situations. In our nurturing and inclusive atmosphere, every child is empowered to embrace challenges, explore their potential, and express themselves freely. Join us for an enriching journey that transcends mere academics - join TLIS Summer Holiday English Immersion and Culture Awareness Program today.






TLIS Summer Program

Starts: Monday 22nd, July 2024

Ends: Friday 23rd, August 2024

2024年度 夏休み期間



時間:8:00 ~16:00








スリーライオンズ アフタースクールクラブ

住所 : 熊本市東区秋津2丁目6-22

電話番号 : 096-221-6174