Top Kumamoto International School


Top Kumamoto International Preschool

インターナショナルスクール 学費, 熊本 インターナショナルスクール

“What’s in a name?

That which we call a rose

By any other name would smell as sweet.”


Overview of International Preschools

International preschools come in many different shapes and sizes and the term itself, includes a variety of preschool systems encompassing a wide variety of formats and curricula, with some being more international than others.


An international kindergarten or primary school (UK) is a school that promotes international education, in an international environment or by following a national curriculum different from that of the preschool’s country of residence.


These primary schools in Kumamoto such as Three Lions International School caters mainly to students who are not nationals of the host country, such as the children of the staff of international businesses, international organizations, foreign embassies, missions, missionary programs, or mixed parentage. Many local students in Kumamoto are welcome to attend Three Lions International School (スリーライオンズインターナショナルスクール) to learn the language of the international preschool (熊本市 インターナショナルスクール) and to obtain a higher global awareness of foreign cultures and habits compared to their peers who attend local primary schools (英会話生活で 英語を習います).


Did you know: The first international schools were founded in the latter half of the 19th century in countries such as Japan, Switzerland and Turkey? Click here for Three Lions International School’s map and address.


Over time globalization has created a need for more international education. Increased movement of people around the globe has created a generation of children growing up and residing in foreign countries, creating and expanding this need for more international schools and kindergartens like Three Lions International School (スリーライオンズインターナショナルスクール) that can cater for their educational needs.


If you would like to learn more about Three Lions International School (熊本市東区インターナショナルスクール)I recommend clicking HERE

About Three Lions School 343 Articles
スリーライオンズインターナショナルスクールは、小学校と市民センターに囲まれた緑多く自然がいっぱいの環境の中にあります。教育の現場としては大変恵まれた地域にあります。 スリーライオンズインターナショナルスクールは、園の歴史が28年の母体となる“ドレミリズム保育園”を軸とし、幼児保育と幼児教育の長年の実績からの経験を生かし、連携を保ち音楽の力を英語教育の指導に取り組むというスクール独自の特徴を持った英語教育を目標とするスクールです。 もう一つのスクールの特徴は、連携とするドレミリズム保育園は大変サッカーが盛んです。ご存知の方も多いかと思います。 活動の中にもキッズサッカーの指導が入ります。何よりも子供たちの精神面,忍耐,集中力,チームワークを高め、心身ともに強化する姿が見られています。キッズサッカーチームへの参加もお待ちしています!!